Why do i need a trademark for my business?
Trademarks are the most efficient communication tool and make it easy for customers to find you and distinguish you from those of competitors.
Trademarks are part of your identity and indicate a consistent level of quality of your products and services.
Trademarks are a property asset, they can be bought,sold, licensed.
The First Step
Conducting a Trademark Search you avoid inadvertently infringing on another mark and you protect yourself from lost money and time.
Registration procedure in Greece
The mark is filed.
The examiner checks to absolute and relative grounds for refusal.
If no grounds for refusal exist, the application is accepted.
The decision is published on the website of the General Secreteriat.
There is a three-month opposition period.
If no oppositions are filed during the opposition period, the mark will proceed to registration.
If grounds for refusal exist, the applicant is notified.
If the applicant fails to reply or comply within the set term, the application is rejected.
The registered trademark is granted for protection for 10 years as of the filing date. There is also a 6 month period of grade for renewal.